From at Home Kitchen to Kitchen Business
Finding inspected kitchen space outside of your home isn’t always easy – or cost-effective. Before you can get started with our kitchen space, there are a few requirements to ensure we meet your needs.
Before reserving kitchen time with Culinary Studio, as well
as during any use of our facilities, clients must:
Have signed the latest Operating Agreement with The Culinary Studio and received The Culinary Studio Policy Handbook.
Provide proof of an approved Certified Food Service Manager Certification, and carry the original certificate during any kitchen use. At least one staff person with your business must be a Certified Food Service Manager when using The Culinary Studio. See FAQ for types of Food Service Manager Certifications.
Apply for and complete food service plan review and licensure by the Oakland County Michigan Health Division.
If producing food items for re-sale, you must obtain a Michigan Department of Agriculture Food Establishment License.
Provide proof of product liability insurance coverage, with a minimum of $1 million per occurrence and $2 million aggregate, with The Culinary Studio listed as additional insured, and maintain such policy for any kitchen use.
Pay a one-time and fully refundable security deposit of $300.
Sign the latest Operating Agreement with The Culinary Studio, and receive The Culinary Studio Policy Handbook.
My Culinary Studio Operating Agreement
Please download and complete, return to